Jeremian Van Rensselaer, Appellant v. Philip Kearney and Frederic De Peyster Jeremian Van Rensselaer, Appellant v. Philip Kearney and Frederic De Peyster

Jeremian Van Rensselaer, Appellant v. Philip Kearney and Frederic De Peyster

52 U.S. 297, 1850.SCT.0000098

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Descrição da editora

THIS was an appeal from the Circuit Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York, sitting as a court of equity. If was a bill filed by the appellant, Jeremiah Van Rensselaer, against John Watts originally, and continued against his trustees and executors, praying for an account of the rents of certain property, and for the surrender of the leases, title-deeds, & c. In order to see at a glance the derivation of the title, the following table is referred to:–– On the 25th of May, 1782, John Van Rensselaer was seized of a large body of land, about thirty-four thousand acres, a part of which had been leased on permanent ground rents, and a part leased for life or for years. The residue was owned by him in fee simple. On that day he made and published his last will and testament, by which he devised Claverack Manor to trustees during the life of John J. Van Rensselaer, his grandson, with the intent to create an estate tail, the rents and profits to the use of John J. Van Rensselaer during his lifetime and the remainder over to the issue male of the said John, and in case of failure of such issue, then to the issue male of the other sons of the testator. Provision was then made for raising portions for female issue.

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