The Top 100 Painters Ever
Best painters ever
Descrição da editora
This book introduces most of the greatest artists of all times. Surely, you have seen copies of their best work on calendars, in boutiques, in museums, on television, on postal cards, and elsewhere. They are - indeed - the greatest ! Some are more famous than others, of course, but most of them are known to the public for at least one artwork.
This book is by no means exhaustive, but it does contain close to 1000 carefully selected masterpieces. It is not meant to go into details about the paintings as such. It does not compete with encyclopedias or books meant for art students.
It rather attempts to give everyone an easy access to what often seems like an elite club.
I think that a great painting needs no explanation to be enjoyed, and I also believe that most of these artists would agree with me if they were still with us, on Earth.