Overcoming Insomnia : Fall Asleep Fast And Enjoy Deep Refreshing Sleep (Sleep Secrets, Insomnia Solution, How to Cure Insomnia, How to Beat Fatigue, How to Sleep Better, Get Deeper Sleep, Sleep Smarter, Insomniac) Overcoming Insomnia : Fall Asleep Fast And Enjoy Deep Refreshing Sleep (Sleep Secrets, Insomnia Solution, How to Cure Insomnia, How to Beat Fatigue, How to Sleep Better, Get Deeper Sleep, Sleep Smarter, Insomniac)

Overcoming Insomnia : Fall Asleep Fast And Enjoy Deep Refreshing Sleep (Sleep Secrets, Insomnia Solution, How to Cure Insomnia, How to Beat Fatigue, How to Sleep Better, Get Deeper Sleep, Sleep Smarter, Insomniac‪)‬

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    • USD 8.99

Descripción editorial

"Finally, A Product That Will Actually Help You Get Some Sleep. Toss And Turn No More."

If You’ve Been Plagued With Chronic Sleeplessness, It’s Time To Rest Easy. You CAN Get A Restful Night’s Sleep Again!

Have you had trouble sleeping lately? Is it very difficult for you to get to sleep at night and even when you do, are you wakened often for no apparent reason? Guess what? You’re not alone! Insomnia affects millions of people – including me!

During a particularly stressful time in your life, you find yourself wanting badly to just get a good night’s sleep. You lay in bed wide awake watching the ceiling fan spin and listening to the traffic outside. You tried everything you could think of to try and get to sleep, but nothing worked.

It seemed like the more you tried to sleep, the less successful you were. Other than accumulating some useless gadgets from late night television infomercials, you were not accomplishing anything at night – much less sleep.

Your work performance suffer and you find yourself with more stress to add to the stress you already have. It is extremely frustrating and very tiring – so to speak!

Do you want to save yourself a lot of frustration and sleepless nights? I guess yes...

And Then You Find This Book

Imagine your surprise when you will start reading and nearly immediately know that it is going to help yourself in countless ways.

After reading it, your insomnia will begin to clear once you implemente some of the countless suggestions, tips, and tricks that are inside its pages.

“Overcoming Insomnia” is the answer to an insomniac’s prayers.

Check out some of the chapters inside:

- The Sleep Cycle

- Who Has Insomnia

- How Serious is Insomnia

- Diagnosing Insomnia

- Medications That Can Help

- And More!

Normally, our bodies have been naturally programmed from birth to begin going to sleep as soon as we lie down and close our eyes, but when our sleep pattern has been badly interrupted by insomnia, it can be difficult to quiet the mind, and stop the constant barrage of thought from running incessantly, so we can drift off to a comfortable, relaxing and deep sleep.

This Book Can Give You Hundreds of Suggestions To Get Back To Sleep

In fact, there are several ways you can get back to sleep without the use of medicines. Consider the following:

- Light therapy

- Meditation

- Progressive muscle relaxation

- Cognitive Behavior Therapy

- Herbal remedies

- And more!

You will find all of this great information in one place – this book. “Overcoming Insomnia” is in an easy-to-read format that anyone can understand.

Once you receive “Overcoming Insomnia”, you’ll see just how valuable it is. Did you know that many children and teenagers suffer from insomnia too? If you’re a parent, this could cause you much stress and aggravation. When your child can’t sleep, you want to help them, don’t you?

I Can Show You How!

Once you put the suggestions in this book to the test and implement them in your sleeping routine and habits, you will notice a marked change in your sleeping.

Near 1 person in 2 who has successfully beat insomnia will have a recurrence at one point or another in her life. All you need to get back to sleep is a little refresher on the original things that helped you in the first place. All you need to do is open up “Overcoming Insomnia” and re-read what worked for you in the first place.

It’s as easy as that. If you can’t sleep, it’s time to stop the nights of lying awake. Your body deserves it, your family and job deserve it, and YOU deserve it. Get back to sleep and enjoy a better life!

Sweet Dreams!

Salud, mente y cuerpo
12 de junio
Eric Tairin
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