Greed and the Nature of Evil: Tolkien Versus Wagner (J.R.R. Tolkien and Richard Wagner ) (Critical Essay) Greed and the Nature of Evil: Tolkien Versus Wagner (J.R.R. Tolkien and Richard Wagner ) (Critical Essay)
Much Ado About Harry: Harry Potter and the Creation of a Moral Panic (Essay) Much Ado About Harry: Harry Potter and the Creation of a Moral Panic (Essay)
Redeeming Sexual Difference: Stigmata, The Messenger and Luce Irigaray's Bleeding Woman (Critical Essay) Redeeming Sexual Difference: Stigmata, The Messenger and Luce Irigaray's Bleeding Woman (Critical Essay)
Ian Mcewan's Enduring Love in a Secular Age (Critical Essay) Ian Mcewan's Enduring Love in a Secular Age (Critical Essay)
Le Mot Et La Chose, L'hostie Dans Le Matrimoine Du Quebec (Matrimony, Eucharistic Host and Catholic Church in Quebec) (Critical Essay) Le Mot Et La Chose, L'hostie Dans Le Matrimoine Du Quebec (Matrimony, Eucharistic Host and Catholic Church in Quebec) (Critical Essay)
Favourite Pew Or Box Seat? Sabbath Beliefs As a Barrier to Sporting Event Attendance on Sunday: A Congregational Study (Report) Favourite Pew Or Box Seat? Sabbath Beliefs As a Barrier to Sporting Event Attendance on Sunday: A Congregational Study (Report)