10 Reasons Not To Die 10 Reasons Not To Die

10 Reasons Not To Die

    • 22,99 lei
    • 22,99 lei

Publisher Description

"If you're broken, I'll fix you..."

My legs wobbled as I made my way closer to the edge of the cliff. I took in a deep breath of air, hands trembling by my sides as I stepped closer and closer to the end of the cliff. My heart hammered against my chest when I stared down at the rocky waters below me. If I jumped off that cliff right now, I would die from the impact, immediately. But wasn’t that what I’ve always wanted, to die quickly and without any pain?

"If you shatter, I'll find you..."

I just wanted my life to end. I wanted to get away from this hellhole I’ve been sucked into. I wanted to go live with my parents up in heaven, not in some orphanage where I was too old for anyone to want to adopt me. They all wanted to adopt an obedient little child, not some seventeen year old teen like me.

I moved my foot one step closer, feeling myself stop breathing. If I moved just an inch closer, I would be tumbling down that cliff. You can do this, Remy. It’s what you’ve been wanting for years now. I moved my left foot forward, letting it dangle in thin air. A tear escaped my eyes, sliding down my cheeks slowly.

Suddenly, I felt myself fly towards the side, as I squeezed my eyes together tightly. I prepared myself for the impact. Instead, I found myself crashing onto dirt. I opened my eyes, noticing that I was now thrown meters away from the edge of the cliff.

"Give me ten days, and I can give you ten reasons not to die." Evan paused. "And if I can't change your mind by then, you can go jump off that cliff."


”I absolutely adore this story! It kept me engaged and I honestly didn't want it to end, but I suppose all good things must. I love your writing style and the way your characters interact with one another. It's hopefully and a informative of a lot of subjects that hit close to home for some people. I loved every word, and I look forward to reading more of your stories!”- Janelle

”Amazing and highly unpredictable. The penmanship displayed is praise worthy and I would rate it a 9.5/10. Immaculate.”- Bella

“ I truly loved this story, it was heartfelt and sweet! Now, I don't know who the narrator of the story is, but I imagined it to be Remy's mother, and even if it's not, wouldn't that be cool?.”- enchantedorange

” This is the best book I read till now. I loved it. I’m in tears typing. This is what friends and family are for....they help you make the right choices and let you live a happy life. They always want the best for you. I loved this book....looking forward for more. Thank you”- Bucky Roberts

”Honestly this book hit home... It hit deep down too hard that I spent the past hour sitting in the dark just crying... I absolutely loved it.”- SupremeLimeLight

”Such a beautiful story that truly moved me. I was wondering if with your permission, I could write a song based off of this wonderful story... it would truly mean a lot if I had your blessing, the song would probably go no where but I wouldn’t want to steal your idea without asking.”- Meghan

About the Author

Born and raised on the quiet island of Kauai, Aaron Nace would be the first to tell you that his upbringing was anything but ordinary. His free spirit developed in part to a childhood spent chasing wild chickens through his neighborhood, building forts deep in the Hawaiian jungle, and endlessly exploring along the edges of cliffs and waterfalls. Few could imagine a better environment for developing a profound sense of imagination and adventure.

Young Adult
31 July
Aaron Nace