365 Days of Creative Writing 365 Days of Creative Writing

365 Days of Creative Writing

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    • 22,99 lei

Publisher Description

Even when journaling on a daily basis, the writer is often faced with writer’s block. Using journal prompts gives your writing a boost whether you are journaling at 6:00 am or writing at midnight. Prompts help you break through patterns, toxic relationships or expand your creativity using journaling as a means of going deep inside and finding answers that never can be found externally. The more you journal, the more creative you become, and the more creative you become the more productive you become with your writing practice. Funny how something so simple is often so feared. By journaling, your writing feeds your mind and heals your soul. Use journal prompts to stimulate your writing rather than staring at a blank page early in the morning and wondering what on earth do you write about… often wasting time and never writing. Prompts make use of limited time and helps you get right to the point of the question. Journal prompts help you get out of your comfort zone. With journal prompts, you are often asked questions you wouldn’t think of, questions that may offer a different perspective on your thinking, or may bring to the forefront issues like your thoughts about God, recognizing a toxic relationship or facing your fears. The best part of this, is you write it and can decide from there of any changes you want to make… sort of like a practice run. Journal prompts give you an opportunity to stretch your writing skills by quickly moving to the right side of your brain. Only then can your creativity begin to emerge. With a daily writing practice you increase your creativity and begin to release a stream of consciousness. Then watch how your life becomes more creative overall, and your writing productivity increasing as a result. It’s subtle but most effective. Journal prompts help you get issues out on the table, resolve life’s complexities on the page, and lets the paper absorb your fears, anger and resentments so you can let go and move on. For some it’s scary, for most it’s a very powerful tool. Journal prompts help you work through grief, depression or disappointment helping you see where you can make changes and experiment with making those changes with analyzing them on paper. An important factor when wanting to make changes in your life and fear holds you back. It’s been proven that journaling stimulates the right side of the brain which is your creative side helping you see things more clearly by developing your gut feelings (or intuitive side). By working through issues of repeated patterns and correcting bad behavior, some doors close and many others open, since with journaling you are able to focus more clearly. Journal prompts are easy exercises that can be used in conjunction with therapy and even aide in the recovery of trauma, loss, grief, disappointment and childhood hurts. What is most important about journaling is that you hand write your thoughts not keyboard your response. Scientific evidence shows that the handwriting of these thoughts goes deep into the psyche drawing upon a level of consciousness never able to be reached through keyboarding. This book offers 365 prompts for daily writing whether you work the prompts in order or open randomly to a selection.

Health & Well-Being
5 December
Rosemary Augustine

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