Adventures of the Terminally Ill Adventures of the Terminally Ill

Adventures of the Terminally Ill

Publisher Description

Written by a hospice patient, this book’s intention is to illuminate death; a touchy subject usually avoided in our society. Confronted with the advanced stages of an aggressive form of breast cancer, Rebecca was no longer able to continue the productive path she’d enjoyed while healthy. Death’s proximity demanded a new approach to life. Disappointed but determined, the author engaged in activities she wouldn’t have otherwise dared to do.
Many people wish to know what terminal patients close to death are thinking, yet they’re afraid to ask. Rebecca shares the gritty realities of facing a limited lifespan while embarking on adventures that explore human spirituality and the nature of the soul. This little collection of stories and informative articles intends to educate and enlighten as well as entertain.
In dominant American culture, as well as in many other “modern” societies, the subject of dying is heavily sanitized if not avoided altogether. Death is personified as a fearsome, dark robed skeleton swinging a scythe, eager to snatch our loved ones away to the unknown. Society’s spurious impression doesn’t foster honest and open communication regarding the subject and it’s a shame.
Because of this avoidance, when we’re faced with our own mortality we don’t know what to do and we’re terribly unprepared. Physical death is as normal as birth but we have become woefully out of touch with this aspect of life. People fear it, deny it, and flee from it. The author defies social taboos and tells us what we really want to know but are afraid to ask.

4 November
Rebecca Burg

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