Alkaline Diet: Live Healthy with Alkaline Fasting and an Alkaline Lifestyle (Your Key to Acid-Alkaline Balance and More Vitality) Alkaline Diet: Live Healthy with Alkaline Fasting and an Alkaline Lifestyle (Your Key to Acid-Alkaline Balance and More Vitality)

Alkaline Diet: Live Healthy with Alkaline Fasting and an Alkaline Lifestyle (Your Key to Acid-Alkaline Balance and More Vitality‪)‬

    • 24,99 lei
    • 24,99 lei

Publisher Description

Alkaline Diet: Live Healthy with Alkaline Fasting and an Alkaline Lifestyle (Your Key to Acid-Alkaline Balance and More Vitality)

Welcome to the world of alkaline nutrition, where health, vitality, and well-being take center stage! This book is your key to achieving acid-alkaline balance and offers a wealth of information on living a healthy lifestyle through alkaline fasting.

Basics of Alkaline Nutrition

Learn all about the acid-alkaline balance and how you can achieve it by following a balanced alkaline diet and avoiding acid-forming foods. Discover the power of alkaline foods and gain insights into maintaining your body's optimal pH level.

Alkaline Fasting and Alkaline Diet

Discover the benefits of alkaline fasting and adopting an alkaline diet. This book shares practical tips and recipes to help detoxify your body while enjoying delicious alkaline meals.

Healthy Eating, pH Balance, and More

Find out how a low-acid diet can boost your health and naturally support your body's pH balance. Dive into the world of alkaline foods and explore a variety of options for maintaining a healthy diet.

DIY Vitamin Water and Refreshing Drinks

In this book, you will find valuable information on alkaline nutrition, along with creative recipes for homemade vitamin water and refreshing drink creations. Discover the variety of fruit-infused water and flavored water to enhance your hydration with taste.

Embark on a journey to a healthier lifestyle and greater vitality—this alkaline diet will guide you every step of the way! Prepare for a delicious and refreshing journey to a balanced and alkaline lifestyle.

Health & Well-Being
1 August
StreetLib Srl
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