Beyond the nonsense Beyond the nonsense

Beyond the nonsense

There is a path

    • 5.0 • 1 Rating

Publisher Description

And one day .... you see no difference between your world and the life in North Korea ... but you don’t know why
When i began to study the nonsense ... i realized that ... behind the nonsense there is a path that we can’t see.
When i say nonsense ... i mean all our silly actions ... or thoughts.
We live in a robotic way ... and even if we are not happy in the present moment ... we just continue everything in the same way ... on and on and on.
One day, we even start to believe that we live in a prison ... or prisons.
The job is a prison.
The marriage is a prison.
Everything around ... is just a repetitive way of living ... having no sense at all.
There is no joy of being alive.
You actually have a life similar with the one of the people from North Korea ... but the problem is that you are the dictator ... and you was the one that somehow chose the prison ... or even built it.
No one forced you to go at the job you have now and actually you can change it anytime.
No one forced you to get married and in fact you can change the partner ... or just ... simple divorce.
You see no difference between your world and the life in North Korea ... but you don’t know why.
Well ... let me tell you the truth.
You accepted the nonsense as your main way of living your life.
You are the one that is responsible for your unhappiness ... and in fact ... you are also the one that could change everything right away.
The nonsense is a pathless path ... that actually goes to your soul.
Accepting its presence ... defining it ... you realize that beyond it ... there is indeed a path.
The present moment.
Enjoy it!
The prison ... even if it is only metaphoric ... or a real one ... is the best place you could be ... but you need to understand that the only secret is that we should enjoy life and feel alive.

Health & Well-Being
9 May
Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Customer Reviews

flori@34 ,


A powerful tool for instilling moral values in the next generation

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