Call of the Quilo Call of the Quilo

Call of the Quilo

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Publisher Description

The Quilo, a race of Spirit Warriors, older than humanity itself. The original 32 Quilo were animal spirits. The Great Spirit had gathered when the world was still young. The original 32 were the strongest and most agile of the animal kingdom, the wisest and most clever. Together the 32 lived in harmony on one land mass. Tajet-Yedd, they dubbed it, in the language of The Great Spirit. The Great Spirit taught them a great many things, on Tajet-Yedd they gained knowledge beyond knowledge.
But as with all good things, they must end. The Great Spirit fell and Tajet-Yedd was fragmented by this godly force and sent adrift in The Great Sea. The muddy jungle earth was torn asunder and launched higher than the blue of the sky could touch. The muddy ground rained down on the fleeing Quilo, covering their spectral Gray bodies, giving them physical form once again.
As the stunned Quilo and the surviving animal life sat on their great continents set afloat, something unexpected happened. Humans crawled from the massive pit The Fall had created. Inside of the humans surged the very spirit energy of The Great Spirit, giving birth to something new...the human soul.
Quilo attempted to institute themselves as leaders and teachers, many eager to teach the humans just as The Great Spirit had taught them. Others sought to dominate and control the humans as they bred and began to populate the world. While a very peculiar group of 5 Quilo sought to live among the humans, to protect the young race. The found that they could breed with these humans and soon these five spread their seed wide with no regard for the superhuman power their spawn held. War broke out in the land they had claimed for themselves, the children of The Five became warlords and kings. Their children caused so much mayhem that The Five had no choice but to hunt down and fruit of their loom. The Five then vowed to only pass one line of succession. At this time, The Five were beyond ancient, they’d lived countless lives and hunting their heirs had left them exhausted.
The Five sacrificed their forever youthful physical forms and began passing their vast amounts of spirit energy to the first born child of their particular line, and so began The Five lines, Mato The Great Bear, Wabli The Great Eagle, Keya The Turtle, Sunmanitu The Coyote, and lastly, Sugmanitu The Great Wolf. The first generation that had been granted the powers of their line launched a massive campaign to unite the the scattered clans and tribes that remained after the terror brought on by the fallen children of the Quilo. This first generation successfully established a council of elders that governed the landmass that we know as North America. These elders founded The United Native Nations, and for thousands of years the powers of the Quilo were passed from parents to first born child or in some cases, the child that was most fit for the duty.
For those thousands of years the Quilo were a great many things. They were farmers, they were soldiers, they were teachers, they were what the people needed them to be, what The Calling needed them to be.
Enter Isaac Stockdall, the youngest ancestor of Mato. Mato, The Great Bear, number four of the Original 32. Follow Isaac as he is thrust into a cold war, reignited as his location is discovered by a scouting group of Skinwalkers. Stand beside him as he encounters terrifying secrets, hidden from him by his own parents.
Enter Atlas, Isaac’s elder brother. Born with a crippling case of Gigantism, his weakened body stretching an incredible 9 feet tall. Follow along as Atlas attempts to follow the path of the hero he has always wished to be and learn with him as he becomes aware that The Calling works in only shades of gray, in the world of Quilo and Skinwalkers, there are no heroes.

Sci-Fi & Fantasy
23 February
TS Scott