Cryptocurrency Remote Viewed Book Two Cryptocurrency Remote Viewed Book Two
#2 - Cryptocurrency Remote Viewed

Cryptocurrency Remote Viewed Book Two

    • 42,99 lei
    • 42,99 lei

Publisher Description

Do you want to know what the future holds for Bitcoin (BTC) and the altcoins? Read on.

•Augur (REP)
•Bitcoin (BTC)
•GXChain (GXC)
•Horizen (ZEN)
•Mimblewimblecoin (MWC)
•MX Token (MX)
•Steem (STEEM)
•Yearn.Finance (YFI)

There has never been so much interest in cryptocurrencies shown by large institutions and governments. Cryptos are poised to take off. Blockchain technology represents a massive step up in the evolution of the Internet. For anyone interested in cryptos and the projects they represent, this is an exciting time. However, those who have just started their crypto journey can find the sheer number of coins and tokens to be overwhelming. There is one information source that stands out from the crowd. It is called remote viewing. Yet, but for its use by an informed few, remote viewing is barely known and rarely employed as a knowledge discovery tool! If you are interested in cryptos, but you find yourself overwhelmed by the number and variety of coins and tokens, this series is a good place to begin.

The Cryptocurrency Remote Viewed series is not only a resource for remote viewers who want to compare their results. What remote viewer doesn't want to do that? It is intended also for those readers interested in learning more about remote viewing or cryptocurrency. For those interested primarily in the cryptos, I reveal which coins and tokens are worthy of consideration and which should be avoided. My raw remote viewing data reveals the future success or failure of the crypto targets. All the cryptos I examine are pulled from a blind target pool I put together in late October 2020 from the top 190 as ranked by market cap.

Remote viewing is a learned skill based on a strict protocol that harnesses a fundamental ability shared by human beings everywhere. We all to varying degrees have an innate ESP ability we sometimes think of as intuition. What if I was to tell you there is a learned skill that enhances this natural ability? That it's possible through training to control this ability in much the same way a martial artist trains their body to break through preconceived physical and mental barriers? Remote Viewing utilizes a disciplined approach originally developed under the auspices of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) in the 1970s.


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