Dominate Dominate


Become a Point Scorer and Get the Little Voices to Talk

    • 12,99 lei
    • 12,99 lei

Publisher Description

We have all seen the contest where a person is in a bank vault and has 360 seconds to grab as much money as possible.

If it were you, would you stop grabbing money after you had “just enough” in your hands?

Would you stop grabbing money when there were only 60 seconds left?

Would you ever be too tired to keep grabbing more money?

Obviously, not.


Because the reward of what that money can do for you overrides any of the reasons to stop.

A wrestling match is the same type of contest.

You need to have the same kind of mindset.

To a wrestler, points are money.

In each match, you have 360 seconds to score as many points as possible.

When the whistle blows, the allure of scoring points must override any and all obstacles.

Have a safe lead?

Need to score more points.

Have short time?

Need to score more points.

Have a fear of losing?

Need to score more points.

As like with the money grab, the only time you stop scoring points is when there is no time left in the contest.


“Dominate - Become a Point Scorer And Get The Little Voices to Talk”

is part of the "WrestlingU" Series - "Train Your Brain" 

A series dedicated to the wrestler who is looking to get to the next level. 

A wrestler who understands the value of training his mind along with his body. 

Each book in the series tackles and breaks down a key aspect of the sport of high school and collegiate wrestling. 

Each book is specifically designed to be short in length and direct to the point, thus creating an easy read. 

The series is not about piling on pages of information on the topic, it is about presenting key aspects of the topic in a simplistic but powerful manner. 

Most books in the WrestlingU Series will be less than 60 pages, but will contain information that when implemented will take a wrestler to the next level. 

“Dominate - Become a Point Scorer And Get The Little Voices to Talk” is 40 pages in length. 

The genius is in the simplicity.

Sports & Outdoors
30 April
JohnA Passaro