The Man Who Saw Through Time
- 12,99 lei
- 12,99 lei
Publisher Description
Lee McCann's riveting book gives us a fascinating glimpse into the life of Michel Nostradamus-- part historical novel, part academic examination of the accuracy of Nostradamus' prophecies. Both are readable and enjoyable, just what the layman has been looking for! Since governments, sects, and countries will undergo such sweeping changes, diametrically opposed to what now obtains, that were I to relate events to come, those in power now-- monarchs, leaders of sects and religions-- would find these so different from their own imaginings that they would be led to condemn what later centuries will learn how to see and understand. - Nostradamus
Nostradamus, The Man Who Saw Through Time
Nostradamus, The Man Who Saw Through Time
Nostradamus - L'uomo che ha visto attraverso il tempo (tradotto)
Nostradamus - El hombre que vio a través del tiempo (traducido)
Nostradamus - L'homme qui a vu à travers le temps (traduit)