Sailboat: Sailing Through the Ocean of Life Sailboat: Sailing Through the Ocean of Life

Sailboat: Sailing Through the Ocean of Life

Sailing Through the Ocean of Life

    • 22,99 lei
    • 22,99 lei

Publisher Description

“Sailboat is a book of heartfelt poetry that grabs the reader’s curiosity, first with the outcome of the book, and then with the originality of the author. In the universal motifs and messages, found throughout the poems of Ratka Bogdan, one senses a rich and diversified life, which is spread across three continents. Nevertheless, the birthplace, that beautiful homeland, as with most authors, is never-ending eternal love...”

—Danilo Maric, author of “The Mystic Best Man”

“Rarely does it happen in a first poetry publication for these four sides of poetry - its east, north, west and south, to be found in the same place! When these four things (loneliness, travel, love, and finding yourself ) are found in one place, the poet is evidently in his/her own center. And it’s a great sign for the start of an interesting poetic journey, whose future results
are to be expected.”
—Prof. Dr. Venko Andonovski, author of
“The Navel of The World”

“The gift of this poetry is that it reminds us that although the details of our experiences are different, the emotions we feel about them are universal. With simple, beautiful language, these poems create images that conjure the familiar feelings of love, loss, joy, longing and acceptance. Let it quietly slip into your heart and connect you with the stream to which we all belong.”
—Staci Backauskas, author of “The Fifth Goddess”

Fiction & Literature
16 November
Xlibris US