Tips and Tricks from a Successful Etsy Seller Tips and Tricks from a Successful Etsy Seller

Tips and Tricks from a Successful Etsy Seller

    • 49,99 lei
    • 49,99 lei

Publisher Description

If you are an Etsy Shop Owner or you are thinking about selling on Etsy, this e-book is perfect for you.
Stephanie has spilled all of her secrets, tips and tricks that she has learned along 8 years of successfully selling on Etsy. This book is aimed to sellers who are somewhat familiar with Etsy. It is not a technical book, it is a book containing useful advice, tips, and shortcuts to success. If you have an Etsy Shop, this is the e-book for you. Eight years of accumulated experience simplified in simple words, examples, how to keep selling for many years, and cute illustrations!
• Chapter 1:
o My Story
• Chapter 2:
o Why Sell Handmade
o Why Sell on Etsy
o Can I live off an Etsy Shop?
o Whay it is not a good idea to copy others’ work
o Where to get inspiration
• Chapter 3:
o How and when to open your Etsy Shop
o Keep your new shop a secret for now
o Shop Name and Banners
o Shop Look and Aesthetic
• Chapter 4:
o How do I get the ball rolling once I open?
o Listen to your customers
o To promote or not to promote: social media
o Customer Service…is it worth my time?
o What about competition
o How can I make my packaging stand out?
• Chapter 5:
o Title and Keywords
o Descriptions
o Pictures speak louder than words
o Shipping
o Policies, returns & Exchanges
• Chapter 6
o How do I determine prices?
o Start small, grow organically
o Why should I pay fees to sell my work?
o When do I use coupon codes and sales?
• Chapter 7:
o Suppliers: plan A B and C
o Take a one star review and make it a 5 star review
o Learn to delegate as you grow
o Sometimes you need to fire your customer
o Keep up with Etsy changes and tools
• Chapter 8:
o How to keep your shop successful for many years
o Use your time wisely
o Enjoy the fruit of your labor
• Conclusion:
o Final thoughts and recap on tips
o Useful links

Professional & Technical
20 June
Stephanie Martin

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