Vodou Vodou


The Next Stage

    • 54,99 lei
    • 54,99 lei

Publisher Description

SummaryVodou: The Next Stage attempts to delineate the silhouette of a religion undergoing a process of transformation. Contacts with high priests and priestesses reveal their efforts and readiness to adapt the faith to the demands of time. The recent recognition of Vodou as a religion (2003) by the Haitian government has set the stage for further adaptation and change. Some of the mysteries that permeate the faith now require clarification; rituals should be refined, and some of the secret teachings unveiled. The public access to the religious concepts would also imply a reinterpretation of myths, and a systematic approach to the faith in the light of values and evolutionary concepts. Hence, initiators must more efficiently train candidates to priesthood in order to promote the evolutionary trend of the belief-system.The Vodou creed simmers down in its essence the seeds of change. The deific manifestations inspire believers to search for and find better ways to cope with life difficulties. The derived insight and inspiration throw off sparks of creative energy that ease the material and spiritual journey. Like every human endeavor, Vodou reflects the worshippers level of spiritual development; their use of formal knowledge to search for truth would enhance their understanding and integration of lessons learned from spiritual phenomena. The yearning for enlightenment demands acts of faith and courage. It requires a motivating force to move from a perceived good to a greater good. Perseverance and a confident hope could set the stage to move away from well-worn path to more actualized concepts. During rituals, for example, one would see a shift from invocation to evocation of deities; this would ease the forward movement on the spiritual ladder. It would not only shed light on better ways to embark on the earthly pilgrimage and the practice of rituals but also open the mind to the endless spiritual possibilities.The time for a paradigm shift in the religion has arrived, and adjustment now becomes a necessity. The public recognition of Vodou paves the way to a higher level of awareness. Vodouists -now more than ever- must use a new narrative to explain how the channeling of deific energies gives access to information hidden beyond the realm of consciousness, among other phenomena. The pursuit of change would stem from new ways to grasp religious and ethical concepts and integrate them in the practice of the faith. The summoning of deities would require a larger vision, magical knowledge, and the proper conditioning of the believers body, mind, and heart to better channel a higher spiritual vibration. This implies a connectedness to the sacred dimension within the confine of formal knowledge, and an honest perception of ones potentialities, resources, wants and needs.The forward movement -on the ladder of spiritual development- would not easily unfold; for, change usually takes time. A higher stage of religious practice would require faith, courage, conviction, self-expression, and a more appropriate interaction with others within and without the community of believers. The Vodou faith supports freewill, freedom, justice, and respect for self and others. Hence, the change process would entail more individual, social, and spiritual responsibility to demonstrate the willingness to pursue enlightenment.

Religion & Spirituality
21 January