The Cultural Revolution: A Captivating Guide to a Decade-Long Upheaval in China Unleashed by Mao Zedong to Preserve Chinese Communism (Unabridged) The Cultural Revolution: A Captivating Guide to a Decade-Long Upheaval in China Unleashed by Mao Zedong to Preserve Chinese Communism (Unabridged)

The Cultural Revolution: A Captivating Guide to a Decade-Long Upheaval in China Unleashed by Mao Zedong to Preserve Chinese Communism (Unabridged‪)‬

    • 125,00 kr

    • 125,00 kr

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If you want to discover the captivating history of the Cultural Revolution, then pay attention...

The Cultural Revolution, known in full as the “Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution”, was launched by Mao Zedong, the chairman of the Communist Party of China, as a means of quashing capitalism in China. He wanted to ensure that the desire for a communist government would remain strong in the country long after his death. Like other previous leaders who attempted to continue to rule after their death, his attempt did not work out quite the way he had planned.

Over the course of a decade, from the summer of 1966 to 1976, Mao Zedong implemented a number of changes that have led him to be known as one of the most brutal tyrants of the modern age.

In The Cultural Revolution: A Captivating Guide to a Decade-Long Upheaval in China Unleashed by Mao Zedong to Preserve Chinese Communism, you will discover topics such as:

Mao Zedong’s Early Life, Rise to Power, and the Government Upheaval That Changed China During the First Half of the 20th Century
The Suspicion Behind the United Face
The Five-Year Plan, the Great Leap Forward, and the Events Leading to the Cultural Revolution
Fighting the Capitalism of the West
The Introduction of Revolution
The Red Guards
July 20th Incident
Border Clashes with the Communist Soviets
Lin Biao - The Successor and Opponent
Health Issues and Slipping Grip on the Revolution
The 10th Congress and the Shifting of Power
Mass Killings in China and Devastation in Northern China
End of the Cultural Revolution
Lasting Effects
And much, much more!

So if you want to learn more about the Cultural Revolution, buy today!

Jason Zenobia
tim min
5 oktober
Vicelane LLC