Your Inner Child: A Path to Healing and Freedom (Unabridged)
- 59,00 kr
- 59,00 kr
Utgivarens beskrivning
The inner child is the part of you that holds your memories, that feels your feelings, that, without your awareness may be calling the shots in your decision-making. Working with this part of yourself is a way of examining the source of your choices and evaluating whether they are coming from outdated, unexamined beliefs that are not delivering the best quality of life for you. By using this model, you may be able to sort out confusing and conflicting behaviors and make conscious choices that will improve your emotional, physical, mental, and relationship health.
Inner child work is not new. It was introduced by Carl Jung, then made popular by transactional analysis and later by John Bradshaw. This is a method for increasing your self-understanding and personal growth. It is a very useful tool for reaching deeply into the wounds of childhood to effect healing. You are literally touching the wounded child in your history and parenting him or her the way you wish your childhood caretakers had parented you with a new experience of patience, love, and healthy boundaries.A loving adult learning parent a beloved child is a model that may help you heal your deepest wounds, expose and change limiting beliefs, and bring greater richness and happiness into your life and relationships.