31,102 roughly 31,102 roughly

31,102 roughly

It is really simple without the need for complications

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Utgivarens beskrivning

Did our Creator intend to have His creation fight and fight as to which group of His creation ‘really’

knows Him best? Or which group is His and how all other groups are doomed? Let’s focus on Christianity 

in this book. People fight over what this verse of the Bible means and what that verse denotes. Empires, 

like Baptist, Methodist, Pentecostal, Catholic and many others, are built on a verse here and a verse 

there. For if indeed this verse is God’s word and God’s word must be true, then who can stop people 

here and people there from building their empires based on the ‘word of God’. Each one of these 

empires points their finger at the others to show how incorrect these other empires are. But if you ask 

any of them, “Isn’t God all about LOVE, isn’t God all about UNITY, isn’t God all about PEACE, isn’t God all 

about JOY?” Every one of them will say, “But of course He is.” Then how come the ONE Bible has created 

such divisions? The answer offered in this book is that God never intended for man to create such 

divisions, but man over years of coercion managed to make it so in spite of God.

 This book is an exploration on how humanity managed over time to convince you and me that what we 

have been taught is indeed God’s word, when it really is not. An exploration of what God’s nature is and 

how by understanding God’s nature each one of us can lead a life that is indeed full of PEACE and full of 

JOY, for if a person understands and communes with our Creator how can one not be filled with peace 

and joy.

The powers to be, over time, created a circle and within this circle we have a game called ‘use this 

verse’. We are all in this circle playing this game, and the rule of the game is to use verses from the Bible 

to justify this group’s correctness and prove the other group's incorrectness. You and I know that the 

Bible can be used, oh how powerfully it can be used. This game is consuming as we are in a constant 

frenzy to find verses to ‘prove’ this or that. That’s the intent of the game, to keep us occupied and not 

question or look outside the circle. It is time to step outside of this circle and look at the totality of the 

roughly 31,102 verses of the Bible and see what it reveals about God’s Nature and how it applies to us. 

You are probably very skeptical at this point. Give it a read and decide for yourself.

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24 juli