Allison Hewitt is Trapped
- 19,00 kr
- 19,00 kr
Utgivarens beskrivning
Allison Hewitt is trapped.
In the storeroom of Brookes & Peabody's. In a world swarming with the Undead, the Doomed, the Infected. Locked away with an oddball collection of colleagues and under siege, Allison takes advantage of a surviving internet connection and blogs. She writes, as the food runs out and panic sets in, as relationships develop and friends die, and as zombies claw at the door, all in the hope of connecting with other survivors out there. But as she reads the replies to her posts, Allison begins to comprehend the horrifying scale of the damage. And when no one comes to the group's rescue, they are forced to leave the safety of their room and risk a journey across the city; streets that crawl with zombies, and worse - fellow humans competing for survival.
Plot gaps diminish this otherwise exciting horror adventure debut. When the zombie apocalypse breaks out, bookstore clerk Allison escapes the titular trap and finds a group of survivors at a community center, including handsome astronomy professor Collin. Complications aside from the usual attacks by ravenous undead include religious zealots, paramilitary survivalists, and Collin's estranged and intimidating wife. As Allison blogs about her experience on SNet, an emergency military network, commenters provide some sense of the disaster's scope, but there's little explanation for how she created the blog and why no other sites are mentioned. Likewise, a pivotal early attack by a zombified squirrel is ignored later as the heroes traipse through the woods ignoring all nonhumanoid threats. These flaws aren't enough to hide Roux's obvious talent for witty characters and gory action sequences, but they will frustrate attentive readers.