Secrets In The Beacon Light Secrets In The Beacon Light

Secrets In The Beacon Light

    • 89,00 kr
    • 89,00 kr

Utgivarens beskrivning

Secrets in the Beacon Light is not a religious book. Not about religion. It comes under the heading of a Self Help book with a Spiritual and motivational context. Its contents are clues the author has experienced during her life, as her eyes were opened. She can see what many, apparently, fail to see! These things are not hidden, they are as clear as the day light, for anyone to see! We all LOOK at these same observations, every day! However, few of us SEE them!
Secrets in the Beacon Light is written with the intent to help the WORLD find what many people search for but few find! Hopefully, someone will read and learn from authors experiences and not have to go on and on making the same mistakes, until finally, when they are near the end of their lives, NOTICE what has been going on to cause their pain/issues in their lives. Readers are encouraged. There is hope; suggests we must change some things we are DOING!
Otherwise how can we expect to change our lives!
Secrets in the Beacon Light is truths. It tells readers honest, loving, caring observations. Perhaps, other wouldnt want to say such things because it appears so obvious and perhaps, we already KNOW these things. If we KNOW, why do we appear STUCK in the same ol thing? Knowledge is worthless is we fail to use it.
Secrests in the Beacon Light name was chosen because the beacon light offers HOPE and encouragement to those LOST at sea. It alerts those on the boat that land is near! We may need to follow that beacon light and not be lost ANYMORE! Perhaps, you too, have noticed how fast time appears to be going by? Hopefully, we still gave time to get thing s right with our God!
Clue # 3
Choices/Decisions we make for the benefit of other can change our lives!
Its not difficult to prefer someones success other than our own. When we practice making this type of choice making it brings REWARDS, when we least expect them. We can even accomplish putting others before ourselves with a smile, a silent prayer, or even by remembering someones name. We dont need to always think we need money to show someone we care. How about TELLING them? They may not KNOW you care. They may not KNOW you think about them if you dont TELL them. It may be a mistake to think they KNOW!
Clue # 48
If we are struggling in life, we may be going in the wrong direction.
RELAX, take it easy! Theres proof! Notice the rivers, streams, they FLOW! Its always difficult when we make a BIG deal out of issues that come up in our lives. That type of behavior, IS A CHOICE, and will make issues harder, more difficult to handle. Take it slow! Most issues dont require your immediate response. We may have been surprised when that difficulty happened and would be thinking more clearly, later. WAITING before we make decisions allows our, YES, to be yes and our, NO to be no, and not have to change our minds, later. In turn, we can be more trustworthy! People will know that when we say something, you arent just TALKING, you mean it.

Kropp och själ
13 juni