Sleeping Disorder Explained
- 39,00 kr
- 39,00 kr
Utgivarens beskrivning
One of the most interesting things about humans is that around 1/3 of our lives consist of sleep! Unfortunately, the cases of sleep disorders especially among adult Americans are continuously rising. Approximately around 75% of Americans and 30% of children are diagnosed with various sleep disorders. Losing sleep or not having enough sleep is detrimental to one’s health. According to medical experts, it can eventually affect one’s life and organs in the body which can progress into serious illnesses.
This book will guide you about everything you need to know regarding the sleep disorder condition. We will discuss the overview, the various types of sleeping disorders, the causes, and symptoms. We will also provide you relevant information on how you can treat your disorders, the alternative medicine or therapies available as well as the future of sleep disorder treatment.
Sleeping Disorders Overview, Types, Treatments, Causes, Symptoms, Other Complications, Future Treatments, Alternative Medicines, and much more included!