The Art of Hustle: Escaping the Matrix and Mastering the Game of Power, Wealth, and Influence The Art of Hustle: Escaping the Matrix and Mastering the Game of Power, Wealth, and Influence

The Art of Hustle: Escaping the Matrix and Mastering the Game of Power, Wealth, and Influence

Utgivarens beskrivning

Escape the Matrix. Reach New Heights. Master the Game of Life.

I know you're sick of being a slave to the system. Sick of grinding away while someone else gets rich off your sweat. Sick of being told to sit down, shut up, and accept "just enough" as your lot in life. You've always known you were destined for something greater, something REVOLUTIONARY...but the Matrix has you trapped and blind.

Until now.

What you're about to discover in The Art of Hustle is the forbidden knowledge that your masters pray you never find. The ancient secrets of money, power, and influence wielded by the most notorious outlaws, emperors and oligarchs through history. 

Deep down, you've always felt those chains chafing - the 9-5 slavery, the consumer debt-trap, the condescending limits on what a man like you is allowed to achieve and become. You were born to BREAK those chains and live life as a true free man - financially free, socially unchained, beholden to no master but your own highest will.

Reading this book is your first step to snatching that freedom back. Within these pages, you'll uncover:

•The new rules of power in the digital age, and how to use them to dominate your industry
•The secret wealth strategies of the 1%, and how to create an unshakable financial empire
•Cutting-edge mind-hacks for reprogramming your brain for unstoppable confidence and charisma
•The hidden networks of influence that control everything, and how to infiltrate their ranks
•The forbidden psychology tactics hustlers use to bend reality to their will

This knowledge was never meant for the masses.

Are you going to be one of the few that escapes?

Näringsliv och privatekonomi
16 maj
Ethan Clark

Fler böcker av Ethan Clark

The 48 Laws of Money: The Keys to Mastering Entrepreneurship, Networking, Leadership, Building Wealth and Power The 48 Laws of Money: The Keys to Mastering Entrepreneurship, Networking, Leadership, Building Wealth and Power
The Law of Seduction: Mastering the Forbidden Secrets of Attracting and Seducing Women The Law of Seduction: Mastering the Forbidden Secrets of Attracting and Seducing Women

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