Then, Sooner, I Give Credence to the Tale: On Some Narrative Texts by Martinus Nijhoff/Dan Hecht Ik Eer Geloof Aan Het Verhaal: Over Enkele Narratieve Teksten van Martinus Nijhoff. Then, Sooner, I Give Credence to the Tale: On Some Narrative Texts by Martinus Nijhoff/Dan Hecht Ik Eer Geloof Aan Het Verhaal: Over Enkele Narratieve Teksten van Martinus Nijhoff.

Then, Sooner, I Give Credence to the Tale: On Some Narrative Texts by Martinus Nijhoff/Dan Hecht Ik Eer Geloof Aan Het Verhaal: Over Enkele Narratieve Teksten van Martinus Nijhoff‪.‬

Literator: Journal of Literary Criticism, comparative linguistics and literary studies 2010, Dec, 31, 3

    • 29,00 kr
    • 29,00 kr

Utgivarens beskrivning

Abstract With short lyrical poems being the poetical standard nowadays, long story-telling poems can be seen as a provocative genre. Characterisfics of modem epic poems can be explored by examining a brief and a story-telling poem by Martinus Nijheff.

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