Understanding Anesthesia
A Learner's Guide
Utgivarens beskrivning
"Understanding Anesthesia: A Learner's Guide" is an interactive text, introducing the reader to the exciting specialty of Anesthesia. It is designed for medical students, junior anesthesia residents, or residents in other programs who require anesthesia training.
Six chapters in length, "Understanding Anesthesia: A Learner's Guide" is a readable, accessible textbook, designed to be manageable over the course over a short clinical rotation. The text is enhanced with many color figures in addition to interactive figures, slideshows, videos and review quizzes. A comprehensive glossary of terms and study cards are also included to deepen the learner's experience.
"Understanding Anesthesia: A Learner's Guide" was created by McMaster University's Karen Raymer, Richard Kolesar and Eric E. Brown. Please visit us at: www.understandinganesthesia.ca
Here, you will find a video-free version of the e-book (ISBN 9780991893225), available for download for those with space constraints. A pdf version of the text is also available for download. In addition, the videos, slideshows and review quizzes are available on the website for viewing.
A paper version of the book, entitled "Understanding Anesthesia: A Learner's Handbook" (ISBN 9780991893218) is available for order through Titles Bookstore at McMaster University (titles.mcmaster.ca)