American Associate of Cereal Chemists International

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Series • 8 Books • Chemical & Petroleum Engineering
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Gluten-Free Baked Products Gluten-Free Baked Products
Jeffery L Casper & William A Atwell
Rye and Health Rye and Health
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Tortillas: Wheat Flour and Corn Products Tortillas: Wheat Flour and Corn Products
LW Rooney & Sergio O Serna-Saldivar
Wheat Flour Wheat Flour
William A Atwell & Sean Finnie Ph.D.
Stored-Product Insect Resource Stored-Product Insect Resource
David Hagstrum & Bhadriraju Subramanyam
Oats Oats
Francis Webster
Batters and Breadings in Food Processing Batters and Breadings in Food Processing
Karel Kulp