Butterflies -but not the usual kind Butterflies -but not the usual kind

Butterflies -but not the usual kind

Publisher Description

When Gemma first felt the strange sensation of having butterflies in her tummy, she put it down to nerves, as she was going in for a job interview later that morning.
Then when the butterflies persisted right through the interview and even continued afterwards, she began to suspect that she might be pregnant. She hoped and prayed that this was not the case, as a prerequisite for the job had been that she had to sign an agreement not to fall pregnant during the next five years, -due to the cost of her training.
As the butterflies persisted, she started to look at adverts for abortion clinics in the area and when she told a friend about her predicament, she offered to get her the number for such a clinic. Gemma made an appointment, but on the morning that she was due to go in, the office called her to say that the job was hers. They' also asked her to come in that morning. So forgoing the clinic appointment, Gemma told them she'd be there at ten.
She later rescheduled her appointment and discovered that she was not pregnant, but that she had a severe infection. The doctor told her that she'd need to talk to the person that had infected her, as he would need treatment too. She then handed Gemma a form and asked her to fill in his details.
Gemma then calculated the time back to the single one night stand that she had ever had in her entire life and realized that it must have happened then. The only problem was that she didn't even know the guy's surname. But then after making a phone call, she managed to get is cell number from a friend.
She felt devastated and as she left the doctor's rooms, the receptionist asks her what the problem was, so she told her all about the incident. She mentioned too that the man responsible for her condition, worked at the offices where she was about to start her new job.
After Gemma had left, the receptionist looked at the information she had given her and decided to act on it. Her daughter was a manager at the offices, where Gemma was about to begin her new job.
As a result, when Gemma went in on that first morning, she discovered that the man no longer worked there and that strange rumours about him were flying around the office. But as she had not let the cat out of the proverbial bag, she wondered how they had discovered the truth...

Arts & Entertainment
6 July
Joy Bassetti-Kruger

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