Jubilee Goddess: A Sassy and Sage Guide for Aging Jubilee Goddess: A Sassy and Sage Guide for Aging

Jubilee Goddess: A Sassy and Sage Guide for Aging

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Publisher Description

“Attitude and aging should go hand and hand”, or so declares the Supreme Jubilee Goddess in her book, Jubilee Goddess: A Woman’s Guide to Aging with Attitude (here after referred to as The Guide). If you are ready to reject the “over the hill” view of aging then this book is for you. Heavy on attitude and full of sassy ideas, the Jubilee Goddess is a celebratory guide for women turning fifty. The Guide is a lighthearted book full of ideas to aid your jubilant transition into your 50th year. The Supreme Jubilee Goddess declares that this special event should not be limited to one tiny little 24 hour period but to span an entire year. You earned it! It’s time to do it and The Guide will help reveal the new you. This is about fun, parties, reflection, royal accessories, forgiveness and a brand new attitude all tailored to our emerging Jubilee Goddess- you! Planning starts here.

The Guide will take you through the profiles of three Jubilee Goddess types. Self identification is key! As you read each type you will find you will experience a few “a-ha” moments. You will be on your way to identifying your very own Jubilee Goddess persona. Once you have selected from one of the types (or created a brand new one) it is time to begin your planning for the 12 months of your Jubilee.

My Goddess, there is much to be done. Planning is important. Check out the timeline for help. There are some activities we believe are important enough that we have dedicated entire chapters to the topic. Long or short, if the idea merited a chapter, it’s important. Don’t skip a single chapter. You may not incorporate all of them in your plan but make it a deliberate decision. This is your 50th year. Take the time to ponder your options. How will you adapt ideas for your particular reign? You are in charge here. Don’t worry, it will be fun!

Some chapters in The Guide may be difficult. Don’t skip them. If the chapter on Pardons seems formidable, deal with it latter or better yet, go to the beach or a truly fine hotel, order room service and then consider the possibilities. Who should you pardon? Is your Tiara less than subtle? Have you planned a launch party? Well, you are getting the idea. Let The Guide help you in this important planning process.

If you are disappointed because your year has passed in the traditional, boring fashion of a single day celebration, do not despair. We have that covered. With The Guide in hand, go to our website , log in and download your very own Dispensation Letter issued by, yes, The Supreme Jubilee Goddess herself! The letter gives full rights of participation in a Jubilee Year for any woman who may have missed this opportunity. Why deny yourself? The world can only benefit from a few more attitude-infected Jubilee Goddesses!

By now your “attitude” is starting to adjust to the possibilities this 50th year provides. Add The Guide to your personal library. Read it. Visit our website. Talk to your friends and family. Have parties. Send pictures to our photo gallery. Visit us on Pinterest. Well, you get the idea. The Supreme Jubilee Goddess is very interested in following your transformation. She has preceded you on this journey and can promise you that it will be fun and even life changing.

So, with The Guide in one hand, adjust your tiara and announce to the world: “It’s Jubilee Time and I’m about to launch!” Go Goddess!

19 July
Kathryn Ling