Kaj je Nikola Tesla počel v Mariboru? Kaj je Nikola Tesla počel v Mariboru?

Kaj je Nikola Tesla počel v Mariboru‪?‬

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Publisher Description

Predstavljamo Teslovo šolanje vključno z njegovim doslej premalo znanim postankom v Mariboru. Maribor nikakor ni bil nepomemben preblisk v Teslovem življenjskem uspehu. Prvi opisujemo znanstvena prepričanja dveh najbolj vplivnih Teslovih profesorjev, Hrvata Martina Sekulića in Nemca Jakoba Pöschla. Dokazujemo, da je Sekulić kot član zagrebške Jugoslovanske akademije z mnogoterimi objavami dosegel največ, kar je v danem okolju zmogel in je tako upravičeno žel občudovanje Tesle in sošolcev. Pöschlove znanstvene objave prvi predstavljamo javnosti in obenem namigujemo, da je bil mož kot učitelj iz drugačnega testa kot Sekulić; kljub spoštovanju si tako ni znal pridobiti Teslove ljubezni. Po drugi strani pa je imela usoda kar prav, da je dogodke zasukala po svoje, saj Tesla kot priznan Pöschlov asistent ne bi silil v Ameriko, ne bi ponovil Sekulićevih laboratorijskih poskusov s strelo in daljinskimi prenosi na veliko nogi New Yorka ali Colorado Springsa, morda pa bi nas celo pustil brez svojih mnogoterih izumov. Mariborski padec v trnje je tlakoval Teslovo pot k zvezdam.


Nikola Tesla's schooling including his not very scholarly affair in Maribor are described. The electro-technical publications of Tesla's most influential professors Martin Sekulić, Jakob Pöschl, and their collaborators are put into the limelight for the first time. For the first time Sekulić is described as influential scientist o his era, collaborator and friend of Graz University professor Simon Šubic. Sekulić's views were original and also patriotically inclined to the ideas of Ruđer Bošković which became the basis of Tesla's mid-school heritage. For the first time in historiography we proved that Pöschl was eminent scientist with huge amount of relevant publications, although all of them were based in Styria, which was no obstacle for his time because even Jožef Stefan published all his basic founding in Austria. 

The Maribor period was more than just important in Tesla's life. It was decisive. He learned the life from its bottom among rapidly growing industrial Maribor's workers and that experience made him strong enough to survive his similar American manual-working period and to follow his inventors' star no matter what obstacles life puts on his path. His Maribor period was an experience Tesla was never proud of but also the one he never forgot. The Maribor period provided Tesla's Street-University, education without a teacher, which made him strong enough to become a useful man admired even in 21st century.

8 November
Založba Obzorja d.d., Maribor

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