Pancreas Damage Survival Guide

    • 6,99 €
    • 6,99 €

Publisher Description

"A must-read for anyone with exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI), diabetes, malabsorption issues or microbiome dysbiosis."

Practical help for an issue that is rarely on a doctor’s radar, is often misdiagnosed, and yet affects millions of people.

Pancreas damage, particularly exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI), can cause hundreds of health symptoms, many of which are not immediately linked to the pancreas. Even if diagnosed, there is little practical support. The writer went from being bedridden with no hope in sight to a functioning human being again. Hard-earned knowledge is shared in the hope of helping anyone who is looking to improve their health and quality of life.

Are you suffering from:

ME/CFS, chronic ailments, fatigue, pain, inflammation, or malaise?

● Pancreas issues such as diabetes, exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI), or pancreatitis?

● Unexpected numbness, paresthesia, heart rhythm, or breathing issues?

● Neurotransmitter, depression, or anxiety issues?

● Intestinal issues like malabsorption, bloating, irritable bowel, bacterial or yeast overgrowth?

● Premature aging issues such as bone density, low hormones, or low energy?

● Difficulty healing from cuts, bruises, or tendon inflammation issues?

● Unexplained nutrient deficiencies, microbiome dysbiosis, reflux, or food sensitivities?

● Undiagnosed or chronic symptoms, even after many tests and dead ends?

This book can provide you with:

● Practical steps to help heal your body

● Crucial medical tests to consider for earlier pancreas damage diagnosis, particularly EPI

● Important health and preventative maintenance medical tests to consider

● Hundreds of possible downstream pancreas damage symptoms in logical categories

● Food, water, supplements and medicine elements to consider

● Information on lowering bodily insults, inflammation, and oxidative stress

● Information on potential root causes of pancreas damage, vicious cycles, and snowball health impacts

It can be potentially helpful to anyone suffering from:

● Pancreas issues like (pre-)diabetes, hypoglycemia, EPI, atrophy or inflammation (pancreatitis)

● Intestinal issues like malabsorption, SIBO, IBS, gastritis, or Candida yeast overgrowth

● Too little beneficial or too much pathogenic bacteria

● Unexplained nutrient deficiencies (e.g., vitamin D, magnesium, amino acids)

● Food sensitivities like non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS)

● Modern chronic ailments or premature aging issues

● Hormone issues such as low testosterone or sleep disorders

● Low energy

● Neurotransmitter issues such as depression, anxiety, or brain fog

● Bone density issues such as osteoporosis or osteopenia

● Unexplained asthma-like or oxygen-starved type symptoms

● Unexplained nerve issues such as paresthesia, numbness, or itching

● Slow healing of cuts, wounds, bruises, or tendon inflammation

● Heart rhythm issues like arrhythmia or premature ventricular contractions (PVC)

And it can be potentially useful to any doctor who:

● Has difficult to diagnose patients due to a wide range of symptoms

● Specializes in pancreas issues such as gastroenterologists and endocrinologists

● Wants ways to spot pancreas damage earlier

● Specializes in any stomach, esophagus, gallbladder, intestinal issues or mitochondrial dysfunction or ME/CFS

● Is interested in metabolomics and how food and supplementation can help in the healing process

Health & Well-Being
27 January
Delft Consulting LLC