Teaching Emotional Self-Awareness Through Inquiry-Based Education (Report) Teaching Emotional Self-Awareness Through Inquiry-Based Education (Report)

Teaching Emotional Self-Awareness Through Inquiry-Based Education (Report‪)‬

Early Childhood Research & Practice 2011, Fall, 13, 2

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Introduction If you have benefited from free access to ECRP, please consider making a financial contribution to ECRP so that the journal can continue to be available free to everyone. Young children's development of the ability to understand and regulate their emotions has been the subject of some current research on early emotional development. Two essential features of emotion regulation are identifying emotions and accessing effective coping skills (Kopp, 1989; Shonkoff & Phillips, 2000; Siegel, 1999). According to Kopp (1989), knowledge of emotion regulation provides a more comprehensive perspective on the development of self-regulation than is possible without an understanding of how children experience and cope with emotions. Self-regulation is a complex process that proceeds from early control of arousal in infancy to regulation of internal states in response to social expectations in later childhood (Cole, Martin, & Dennis, 2004; Kopp, 1982). Perry (2001) claims that self-regulation is essential to young children's healthy emotional development.

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