Believer's Guide to Paranormal Ministry Believer's Guide to Paranormal Ministry

Believer's Guide to Paranormal Ministry

    • 0,99 €
    • 0,99 €

Publisher Description

In the shadowy realms where the paranormal not only whispers but screams, M. L. Bullock, the renowned author of the chilling autobiography *Delivered Me From Evil*, returns to guide the faithful through the murkiest depths of the supernatural. *Believer's Guide to Paranormal Ministry* emerges as a beacon of light in a world often cloaked in darkness, offering a powerful companion to those who dare to confront the unseen.

With an unwavering conviction and a deep-rooted connection to the Divine, Bullock unveils the secrets to safeguarding your loved ones from the malevolent forces that lurk in the unseen corners of our existence. This compelling manual delves into the mystical art of protection, empowering readers with the knowledge to shield their children, families, and communities from the clutches of negative paranormal entities.

Beyond mere defense, this guide illuminates the path to retaliation against the dark, teaching the faithful how to align with celestial allies to repel and banish the forces of darkness. Bullock's profound insights provide a blueprint for assembling a paranormal ministry team, equipping individuals with the spiritual arsenal needed to confront and conquer the supernatural adversaries that challenge the light.

*Believer's Guide to Paranormal Ministry* is not just a book; it's a crusade against the darkness, a call to arms for those who believe in the power of the Divine and are ready to stand in the gap. Through its pages, M. L. Bullock not only imparts wisdom but also ignites a flame of courage, inspiring readers to build their fortress of faith and extend their hands in service, leading their communities into a dawn untouched by shadow.

Join M. L. Bullock on this sacred journey, and transform your fear into fortitude, your doubts into determination. Embrace the call to serve, protect, and prevail over the paranormal with the *Believer's Guide to Paranormal Ministry*.

Religion & Spirituality
28 July
M.L. Bullock
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