Taking America Back Taking America Back

Taking America Back

    • 9,49 €
    • 9,49 €

Publisher Description

The America we are living in today, is a far cry from the one established under the Declaration of Independence the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.

America has become a Delaware corporation that assumes its Citizens must now live under corporate law and do what the local authority tells them to do.

Spending is way out of control, and all Congress can think of is to print more money. This is only digging deeper into debt.

The Truth is America, and its courts still operate under the Constitution, and Citizens have the power to cancel bad law, change the rules, and restore their lives to what it was before all this corruption took over.

This book will explain who the US Citizen is, and just how much power and influence we have, but we have to understand our position if we are ever going to change things.

Only in unity will be able to restore our Freedoms and stop being oppressed by an out-of-control government.

Government has become a very large and complicated institution over the years. This writing is not a novel, or a political opinion, but a reference for US Citizens to help understand our role and resources within the greatest country on earth.

I wrote this to give people a road map that will explain government policy that is already in place, and how we can use it to keep

government in check and stop it from burdening Citizens with oppressive laws and out of control spending. It is possible, but people in America need to step up and play their part in this great legacy.

My goal is to give people the knowledge and understanding of how to restore our freedoms legally, and without another Civil War.

Politics & Current Affairs
12 January
Kerri Ryan
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