Women's Energetics
Healing the Subtle Body Wounds of Sexual Trauma and Abuse
Publisher Description
This small how-to E-book offers 10 self-guided energy-healing practices for women who have been the victim of sexual trauma or abuse. Consisting of guided visualizations and meditations focused on the chakras (energy centers) it first helps to release emotions and problematic energy that may have been locked in a woman's energy body as the result of sexual trauma, and then helps to strengthen and open the second, or sacral, chakra, the seat of a woman's feminine power. This book is not a replacement for therapy or counseling, but may help those women who are undergoing or have undergone therapy to heal on another level. Prerequisite knowledge of the chakras is not necessary.
Although designed for women who have been the victim of sexual trauma, any woman may engage in this process. The practices will help any woman clarify and strengthen her connection to her feminine energy and power.