Paul Du Toit Paul Du Toit

Paul Du Toit

A Slice In Time

Paul du Toit y otros

Descripción editorial

The Paul du Toit catalogue for the exhibitions "A slice in time" on view at Gallery Momo and Nirox Sculpture park, August 2012.

Paul du Toit is a South African artist who has carved a unique niche in the international arena. Beyond being able to access and be exhibited globally, du Toit has simultaneously continued to create a very personal form of art that has not adjusted itself to the demands of a commercial art market. Du Toit’s art is his own; a linear, phantasmic world that he has created from his mind and experiences.

Over the years, he has built up a forest of symbols – his own alphabet of awkward scrawls that spawn off each other. When he creates a work of art, he retains only forms that are appropriate. This combined with the treatment of space and master lines, scratched into wet paint with sticks, result in a desired unity of composition. Primary colours are added on top of the impasto and movement is created by a variation in the dimension of forms in relation to other elements. His work starts out with a line(origination) and ends with a black line defining the pools of colour.

Among the many awards he has received is a medal from the city of Florence in the Biennale Internationale Dell’arte Contemporanea. He was nominated for the Daimler Chrysler Sculpture Award of 2002. He has worked with former president Nelson Mandela on several occasions and international musicians on the 46664 campaign and the establishment of Mandela Day. 

This year he collaborated with another Nobel Peace Prize winner, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, to create a handmade illustrated artist book at Pace Prints in New York City where Paul opened a studio in 2011.

    Arte y espectáculo
    14 de agosto
    Paul du Toit