Profits Profits


Double Your Profits in 90 Days

Descripción editorial

17 Chapters overviewed in a 40 minute video that autoplays once book is downloaded. Flick with finger to the left to read eBook.

1.) 10 page overview of the book. Includes Table of Contents and overview of each Chapter.

2.) 18 pages of GAO and CBO facts showing federal income taxes have to increase 55% within 6 years. According to the CBO, by 2020 there is a 67% reduction in tax dollars to fund all other aspects of the US government other than Medicare, Medicaid, social security and interest on the national debt. Former GAO head says actual debt is 400% + higher than the official number - the reason for the difference is social programs not considered debt.

3.) 12 pages to Learn the 7 Benefits and Value of an ASC ESOT (Administrative Services company ESOT). Typical business income tax reduction is 40%. Your CPA cannot do this it requires Tax attorneys and ERISA attorneys to create and keep an ASC ESOT compliant with the IRS. To qualify they want to see $125,000 minimum in business income taxes paid last year and at least 11 employees that are full time. New changes in Federal laws make this applicable to small private businesses.

4.) 8 pages - Less than 8% of US small business can be sold. There is a legal structure called Exit Strategy ESOT which enables you to save the typical Capital Gains taxes of 30%. You can sell your business to Employees and / or Partners. Most law firms doing this are both Tax and ERISA attorneys and to qualify for their services they want to see a $ 1 million payroll or more and a 25% gross margin to afford the 3rd party financing.

5.) 7 pages - There are 2 ways to earn a profit paying your bill smarter. One is called IMF (Internal Mechanism for Financing) and according to govt regulations that allows you to earn 10% in CA and up to 18% in Florida. This is guaranteed and your funds are not at risk of loss. It can be combined with ASC ESOT - Chapter 3.

6.) Chapters 6 - 10 (32 page total) concern the same concept of using a Compound vs Simple math of a Genius Payment system which creates tax free wealth by paying bills smarter. Your funds and previous years returns are NEVER at risk of loss. You remain 100% in control of your funds. spread offered by centuries old US financial companies with tens of billions in assets and great credit ratings.

11.) 7 pages - Limitations of qualified plans such as 401k, IRA, 403b etc. A private sector alternative that averages 300% greater income in retirement and far greater flexibility and freedom is overviewed.

12.) 2 pages - How to fund college smarter than using a 529 Plan while also increasing your flexibility. When applying for financial aid your student must disclose what is in their 529 Plan thus lessening how much financial support they can receive.

13.) 5 pages - 1035 Exchange a life insurance policy for a modern policy and pay nothing. New policies offer new benefits if you become sick and Chapter 10 benefits.

14.) 11 pages - If you have constructed a new facility or leasehold improvements, acquired an existing facility, or renovated an existing facility, you are probably paying too much federal income tax. Use Cost Segregation if you own or lease a facility.

15.) 12 pages - Have you created a product or process? Then by properly documenting labor and materials you can get a R&D tax credit. Most states and the federal government offer this and you can bundle them.

16.) 3 pages - The Interest Charge-Domestic International Sales Corporation is the last surviving federal tax benefit for privately-held exporters. Exporters that don’t currently have an IC-DISC in place are missing the opportunity to significantly reduce their federal income tax burden each year.

17.) 12 pages - Do you keep a sizable inventory? Last In--First Out accounting, is a great source of additional cash for businesses that carry inventory.

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