Uncle Sam's Boys as Lieutenants
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Noll was now standing on his feet, actually trembling.
Mrs. Overton fairly flew to her son.
"What is it, Hal? What's the answer?" she demanded, in a shaking voice that was but little above a whisper.
"It's--it's addressed, 'Lieutenant Henry Overton, U. S. A'. , " replied Hal, turning the envelope so that his mother might read. But a sudden rush of mist to her eyes made the letters blur.
"Whoop!" let out Sergeant Noll. "Hal, you've won out!"
"Why don't you open the envelope?" asked Mrs. Overton tremulously.
"I'm afraid I'm almost too dizzy to think of anything". answered Hal in a strained voice.
For answer his eager mother snatched the envelope from his hands, caught up her sewing scissors from a table, and held the envelope up to the light.
"Now, take out your letter, Hal, as quickly as you can, and let us know what it says". commanded Mrs. Overton.