Cold Hearted: A Yancy Lazarus Novel, Episode 2 (Unabridged) Cold Hearted: A Yancy Lazarus Novel, Episode 2 (Unabridged)

Cold Hearted: A Yancy Lazarus Novel, Episode 2 (Unabridged‪)‬

    • 4.5 • 2 Ratings
    • $12.99

    • $12.99

Publisher Description

Yancy Lazarus just wants to be left alone. He wants to play his blues music, smoke a few cigarettes, and otherwise leave the supernatural world to fend for itself.

He especially wants to be left alone by the Guild of the Staff - the mage ruling body where he used to work as a fix-it man. But when a little kid gets nabbed by an ancient fae creature from the nether regions of Winter, and the Guild refuses to set things right, he just can't seem to heed good sense and leave things be.

Nothing's ever easy though. Turns out, the kidnapping is just the tip of one big ol' iceberg of pain and trouble. It seems some nefarious force is working behind the scenes to try and unhinge the tenuous balance between the supernatural nations and usher in a new world order. So now, if Yancy ever hopes to see the bottom of another beer bottle, he's gonna have to partner up with an FBI agent - an agent who's been hunting him for years - in order to bring down a nigh-immortal, douchebag mage from a different era. And to top it off, Yancy's gonna have to pull it off without his magical powers...Boy, some days just aren't worth getting out of bed for.

Mysteries & Thrillers
Charlie Kevin
hr min
December 9
Shadow Alley Press Inc.

Customer Reviews

Trudy Lynn ,

Yancy is helping out a friend again because of his stupid moral compass & in over his head!!!

Yancy is at it again! Helping out a friend and getting in way over his head! “Stupid moral compass”!!! Of course it is all the fault of The Guild, “those bathrobe-wearing yahoos”! But this time he has unexpected help in the form of FBI Agent Ferraro and her lady balls of steel! And boy do they make a great team!

In the latest epic Yancy adventure there is a tom of his trademark wit, sarcasm and a life lesson the likes of which you have never heard before! And I quote ”kids, don’t get lazy and leave the keys in the ignition of your moped or some delinquent bluesman will steal your sh!t”.

I am just in love with Yancy Lazarus and James A. Hunter’s writing of him! The world he lives in is beyond rough but he sure knows how to make you laugh and it’s usually at the most inappropriate time, which makes it even better!!!