Geniuses: A Brief History of Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, and Nikola Tesla Geniuses: A Brief History of Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, and Nikola Tesla

Geniuses: A Brief History of Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, and Nikola Tesla

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Publisher Description

This bundle has several biographies in it, which are:

Albert Einstein - Albert Einstein was a theoretical physicist who was born in Germany and is mainly considered one of the finest physicists of perpetuity. Even though Einstein is best acknowledged for developing the principle of relativity, he also contributed considerably to the development of quantum mechanics.

The 2 foundations of contemporary physics are relativity and quantum mechanics. His mass-- energy equivalence formula, E = mc2, has been called "the world's most well-known formula" simply because it is originated from theory of relativity. His work is well noted for having actually impacted science philosophy.

Isaac Newton - We often think about Newton when we see an apple falling from a tree: The man who came up with the gravity theory, a physics scientist who gave said event and others significant thought.

Sir Isaac Newton was an English mathematician, physicist, astronomer, theologian, and writer who was commonly seen as one of the best mathematicians, physicists, and most prominent researchers of perpetuity. He was hailed as a "natural theorist" in his time. He was a considerable player in the Knowledge thought movement. In the year 1687, he wrote Mathematical Concepts of Natural Philosophy, which established classical mechanics.

Nikola Tesla - Nikola Tesla was a Serbian-American innovator, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, and futurist who helped establish the contemporary rotating present (AC) electrical energy delivery system.

Tesla, who was born and raised in the Austrian Empire, studied engineering and physics without getting a grade in the 1870s and acquired useful experience in the early 1880s operating in telephone and at Continental Edison in the nascent electrical power business.

Biographies & Memoirs
Chris Newman
hr min
August 17
Efalon Acies