Nobody is Perfect: Perfection Is the Root Cause of All Neurosis and Imperfection Is a Fundamental Law of Life
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Publisher Description
According to Osho striving for perfection is the root cause of all neurosis. We try to be perfect, we want our partner and our children to be perfect our pets and our projects all to be perfect and in so doing we create life-long inner tension. Here Osho explains a natural way of being, a way of being in tune with nature’s imperfection.
Begging for Attention: The Dependency on Others Opinions (Original Recording)
Individuality Has Dignity: Re-Discovering Your Relaxedness with Nature
Born with a Question Mark in Your Heart: Provocations into Consciousness
Meditation and “Worldly Things”: Stepping out of Old Concepts of Right and Wrong
How Can Meditation Solve Life Problems or Prevent Wars
The Fear of Intimacy (Original Staging)