One Breath, Twelve Steps: A Buddhist Path to Recovery from Addiction
- $29.99
- $29.99
Publisher Description
Millions of recovering addicts have been helped by the traditional 12-step program of Alcoholics Anonymous, but many find themselves unable to relate to some of the language and religious tone of the steps. Kevin Griffin offers an alternative - a new approach to the 12-step Ppogram based on Buddhist teachings and time-honored meditation practices.
In this six-session audio course, Griffin shares personal insights from his own struggle with addiction and offers guided meditation practices to support each step of the recovery process. Listeners will discover universally accessible ways to relate to the idea of a higher power, how the wisdom from the Four Noble Truths and the concept of karma can be applied to AA's life review, and much more.
The twelve steps and the Four Noble Truths - parallels and shared insights from two paths to liberation
Mindfulness practice - an essential tool for facing the moment-by-moment challenges of addiction
Your "higher power" - how the practice of mindfulness itself can serve as the focus of your faith
Understanding karma - why the Buddha's teachings on cause and effect are especially meaningful to addicts
How "turning our will and our lives over" can serve as a call to remain steadfast in our meditation practice
Using the spirit of rigorous honesty from the twelve steps to fuel our spiritual growth
Insights for using your personal inventory, forgiveness, and humility in self-empowering ways
Six sessions of mindfulness practices, Buddhist wisdom, and powerful reflections on the twelve-step path to recovery from expert teacher Kevin Griffin