Personality Disorders: Everything You Need to Know about Sociopath, Narcissistic, and Autistic Spectrum Disorders Personality Disorders: Everything You Need to Know about Sociopath, Narcissistic, and Autistic Spectrum Disorders

Personality Disorders: Everything You Need to Know about Sociopath, Narcissistic, and Autistic Spectrum Disorders

Victor Higgins and Others
    • $19.99

    • $19.99

Publisher Description

Count yourself lucky because you have just come across a book with 13 different topics spread across 39 titles! They are the following topics:

Topic 1: Personality disorders can be challenging. I personally know people who have some kind of disorder. It’s different when you interact with them. Not every moment, but the difference is in the details.

Topic 2: Many people have wondered what bipolar disorder is or what the symptoms are. While starting out with these simple facts, this guide goes much deeper into the subject. It covers a wide range of subtopics that will help you understand the nature of the disorder better.

Topic 3: When it comes to Borderline Personality Disorder, many people are left in the dark. They still have questions about what it is, what makes it so attractive to start a relationship with a borderliner, or how it differs in men and women.

Topic 4: Many people try to get a grasp of what goes on in the mind of a serial killer. Today, we can at least show you a limited perspective and some solid insights in the workings of their brains. Their reasons, their background, and their murder stories will be exposed to a certain degree.

Topic 5: Schizophrenia is more common than you think. And there are a lot of false myths about it. Some people it’s similar to multiple personality disorder, but this notion is far from the truth. Others say it’s only related to voices or addictions. But there is more to it than that.

And there are 8 other topics in here! Do yourself a favor and get this great deal now!

Doug Greene
hr min
December 11
Efalon Acies