Stop Procrastination: The Ultimate Step by Step Guide to Change Your Habits and Stop Procrastinating (Unabridged) Stop Procrastination: The Ultimate Step by Step Guide to Change Your Habits and Stop Procrastinating (Unabridged)

Stop Procrastination: The Ultimate Step by Step Guide to Change Your Habits and Stop Procrastinating (Unabridged‪)‬

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Publisher Description

Stop procrastinating looking for the best book to do something about procrastinating! If you want to know where this bad habit comes from, you've landed in the right place. This book is not about productivity, nor is it about time management. Unlike other self-help or medical books, Stop Procrastination is a guide to help you understand what procrastination is and how to deal with it.

Procrastinating is not just surfing social media in the office or walking the dog to avoid schoolwork. It affects our output and also our physical and mental health. Whether out of laziness, lack of motivation, or fear, there is always a reason why we prefer to delay - consciously or not.

That's why Dan Home delves into the roots of our anxiety to evade responsibility in an audiobook that explores some cases of procrastination studied by professionals in psychology and productivity.

To stop procrastination, you must first know how to help yourself. In this book, you'll find truthful information by experts in the field and also obtain valuable professional advice to have better results in your daily life.

Some things you'll learn from this audiobook:

Definition of procrastination
Overview of cases of procrastination
The psychology behind procrastination
Effects of procrastination 
Cognitive behavioral therapy
Procrastination and motivation
Top 20 science-based strategies to overcome the laziness and procrastination
Ways to apply key ideas for the best results? 

Stop Procrastination is for anyone and of any age, regardless of their occupation. This is for those who want to improve their lives and understand how to manage it. Change your habits, and start doing your tasks!


1. Am I a procrastinator?

Procrastination is the habit of putting things off, whether out of anxiety, laziness, or a lack of motivation. It's about avoiding things for unconscious or psychological reasons.

2. How do I recognize that I am a procrastinator?

Look for patterns. If you feel uncomfortable doing activities for no reason, it's because you're resisting to something related to procrastination.

3. Is procrastination a psychological disorder?

There are cases in which the procrastinator drops because he feels fear, anxiety, or frustration. That could be a psychological problem. In cases when people seldom need a pause, that's not a reason to suspect a disorder.

4. Why do I need this book?

If you feel that you avoid your tasks but don't know why, now is a great time to find out if you are a procrastinator or not.

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