Sugar is G.O.D: Quit Sugar Dependency: Live a Sugar Proof Life by Decoding Sugar Addiction, Sugar Fasts and Sugar Detox. Loose weight, Love Yourself more, Change your Habits and cure Anxiety. Sugar is G.O.D: Quit Sugar Dependency: Live a Sugar Proof Life by Decoding Sugar Addiction, Sugar Fasts and Sugar Detox. Loose weight, Love Yourself more, Change your Habits and cure Anxiety.

Sugar is G.O.D: Quit Sugar Dependency: Live a Sugar Proof Life by Decoding Sugar Addiction, Sugar Fasts and Sugar Detox. Loose weight, Love Yourself more, Change your Habits and cure Anxiety‪.‬

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Publisher Description

If you are someone who has a sweet tooth and cannot go a single day without a sugar-laden cooldrink or munching down sweets, chocolates, cakes, and cookies, then you have to read this book. Through the writer's own experience of sugar addiction, he offers some excellent information and advice on the dangers of being overly dependent on the highs of sugar and the physiological and emotional roller-coaster ride that you can avoid. This book is his way of helping to change lives through his own journey. He has done all the research for you. He explores science and explains it in an easy-to-read manner. What comes through is his passion for getting the message out that if you value your health and your life, then you have to pay attention to this young writer's message about sugar addiction. The writer has done thorough research on all aspects of quitting sugar, decoding sugar addiction, the diseases it can cause, and the detoxification process while offering practical solutions for getting your life and enjoying a healthy, mentally fulfilling life.

Quit Sugar Dependency! Live a sugar proof life by decoding sugar addiction, sugar fasts, and sugar detox with personal experience and a lot of experts knowlegde. Perfect to loose weight, love yourself more, change your habits and cure anxiety!

Kelly Rhodes
hr min
July 29