The Boy Who Couldn't Sleep and Never Had To (Unabridged)
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Publisher Description
When Darren Bennett meets Eric Lederer, there's an instant connection. They share a love of drawing and the bottom rung on the high-school social ladder. These things (combined with absentee parents, Darren's evil older brother, and a pathological fear of girls) drive them toward an ambitious project: a comic book that evolves into a series of graphic novels that become a movie trilogy, all before they even put pen to paper.
Then Eric reveals a secret: He doesn't sleep. Ever. Instead, at night, he masters video games, geeks out on obscure Brazilian music, and suffers, occasionally, from violent hallucinations. When word leaks out, he and Darren suddenly find themselves on the run from mysterious forces. Is it the government trying to tap into Eric's mind? Or is there something else Eric hasn't told Darren, like the possibly that he has willed one of their creations to life, and now it is hunting them down?