The Honor of the Queen: Honor Harrington, Book 2 (Unabridged) The Honor of the Queen: Honor Harrington, Book 2 (Unabridged)
Audiobook 2 - Honor Harrington

The Honor of the Queen: Honor Harrington, Book 2 (Unabridged‪)‬

    • 4.7 • 41 Ratings
    • $21.99

    • $21.99

Publisher Description

It's hard to give peace a chance when the other side regards conquest as the only option and a sneak attack as the best means to that end. That's why the Kingdom of Manticore needs allies against the Republic of Haven, and the planet Grayson is strategically situated to make a very good ally indeed. But Her Majesty’s Foreign Office overlooked a “minor cultural difference” when they chose Honor Harrington to carry the flag: women on the planet of Grayson are without rank or rights and Honor’s mere presence is an intolerable affront to every male on the planet.

At first Honor doesn’t take it personally. But, in time, such treatment becomes taxing and she makes plans to withdraw until Grayson’s fratricidal sister planet attacks without warning. Now, Honor must stay and prevail, not just for her honor, but for her sovereign’s, for the honor of the Queen.

A Note from Author David Weber

There's been some confusion—not to say, um, energetic debate, readers and fans being readers and fans—about the correct pronunciation of "Manticoran." The truth, alas, is that a stitch was dropped. An error occurred. A mistake was made… and it wasn't Audible's fault. It was mine. Before Audible recorded the very first Honor Harrington book, narrator Allyson Johnson and I not only corresponded by e-mail but actually spoke to one another by phone. She wanted to make absolutely certain she had the correct pronunciations for names, places, star nations, etc., and I tried to make certain all of her questions were answered. And so they were. Unfortunately, at some point in the process, I replied to one of her e-mails by telling her that "Man-ti-core-ahn" was pronounced "Man-tik-er-ahn." Exactly how this happened is more than I can say at this point, except to blushingly disclose that the original e-mail remains intact, confirming to all the world that it was, indeed, my fault. I can ascribe it only to a temporary mental hiccup on my part and crave your forgiveness. If, however, you must blame someone for the mix-up, that someone should be me and not Audible, who have done everything they could to get it right.

Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Allyson Johnson
hr min
August 5
Audible Studios

Customer Reviews

DukeCrunchySocks ,

This is a great series!!

Great Series. Well thought out and progresses nicely. The narrator is acceptable.

Triath.Lon ,

Wonderful book, next installment of a great story started on Basilisk Station

David Weber's Honor Harrington series is one of the best sci-fi series out there, and this audio presentation does it justice. While at times reader's voice somewhat differs from what a character description indicates it should be, it is a minor concern for an overall great presentation.

We do, however, need this series continued! Please, bring the rest of these books to iTunes.

Milno1 ,

A great follow up to the original story.

Please continue with these Unabridged versions.

The Short Victorious War: Honor Harrington, Book 3  (Unabridged) The Short Victorious War: Honor Harrington, Book 3  (Unabridged)
Field of Dishonor: Honor Harrington, Book 4 (Unabridged) Field of Dishonor: Honor Harrington, Book 4 (Unabridged)
Flag in Exile: Honor Harrington, Book 5 (Unabridged) Flag in Exile: Honor Harrington, Book 5 (Unabridged)
Honor Among Enemies: Honor Harrington, Book 6 (Unabridged) Honor Among Enemies: Honor Harrington, Book 6 (Unabridged)
In Enemy Hands: Honor Harrington, Book 7 (Unabridged) In Enemy Hands: Honor Harrington, Book 7 (Unabridged)
Echoes of Honor: Honor Harrington, Book 8 (Unabridged) Echoes of Honor: Honor Harrington, Book 8 (Unabridged)
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Field of Dishonor: Honor Harrington, Book 4 (Unabridged) Field of Dishonor: Honor Harrington, Book 4 (Unabridged)
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In Enemy Hands: Honor Harrington, Book 7 (Unabridged) In Enemy Hands: Honor Harrington, Book 7 (Unabridged)
Echoes of Honor: Honor Harrington, Book 8 (Unabridged) Echoes of Honor: Honor Harrington, Book 8 (Unabridged)