The Iraq Study Group Report (Unabridged) [Unabridged Nonfiction] The Iraq Study Group Report (Unabridged) [Unabridged Nonfiction]

The Iraq Study Group Report (Unabridged) [Unabridged Nonfiction‪]‬

    • 3.8 • 8 Ratings
    • $2.99

Publisher Description

After nine months of examining and analyzing U.S. military involvement in Iraq, the bi-partisan Iraq Study Group issued this report on Dec. 6, 2006.

The report calls the situation in Iraq "grave and deteriorating" and says, "There is no path that can guarantee success, but the prospects can be improved". The report makes a wide-ranging series of 79 recommendations for political, diplomatic, economic, and military action so the U.S. can "begin to move its combat forces" out of Iraq.

The co-chairs of the Iraq Study Group were James A. Baker III, who served Pres. Reagan as Secretary of the Treasury and White House Chief of Staff, and Pres. George H.W. Bush as Secretary of State; and former Rep. Lee Hamilton, a Democrat who served in Congress for 34 years.

Democratic members of the Study Group included former Secretary of Defense William Perry; former Governor and Senator Charles S. Robb; former Congressman and White House Chief of Staff Leon Panetta; and Vernon E. Jordan, Jr., advisor to Pres. Clinton. Republican members included former Associate Justice to the U.S. Supreme Court Sandra Day O'Connor; former Sen. Alan K. Simpson; former Attorney General Edwin Meese III; and former Secretary of State Lawrence S. Eagleburger. (Former CIA Director Robert Gates was an active member for a period of months until his nomination as Secretary of Defense.)

Four organizations participated in preparing the report: United States Institute of Peace; James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy, Rice University; Center for the Study of the Presidency; and Center for Strategic and International Studies.

Stow Lovejoy
hr min
December 6
Audible, Inc.

Customer Reviews

go4marc ,

Not as funny as I thought it was going to be

But an excellent synopsis of the situation in Iraq.
The first part of the book is an assesment of the situation, and an excellent
primer on the status of the region. The 2nd half is about possible solutions/recommendations and, as you might surmise, is heavy on the obvious.
Still, a must read for anyone who needs/wants to be informed on what's really going on over there.

Cris Nolan ,

Iraq Study Group Report

This BIPARTISAN report is a scathing look at the way the war in Iraq has been handled thus far, and take to task all of the leaders that have been in charge of its execuation thus far. Written more as a narrarative in order to help the American people better understand our situation, the report lambasts people in the administration for engaging in what coud be seen as a campaign of misinformation. I am shocked, and absolutely ashamed to call Geroge W Bush my President. If this book doesn't give at least 9 reason for impeachment, then you haven't read the constitution.


Unfortunately simplistic

Too bad that the architect of the first gulf war coalition (Baker, whom I used to respect) has teamed up with the architect of Jimmy Carter's pathetic mideast policy of surrender and appeasment (Hamilton). The result is predictable: suggestions that we try to compromise with nations bent on the destruction of our way of life (Iran) and that everything will be ok in the Middle East if we just abandon our only real ally (Israel) to their enemies. Even more interesting, 50% of the "recommendations" are things that only the new Iraqi government can do. How is that helpful to formulating US policy? Worth reading only to get the whole story, since you certainly didn't get it from the press. At best the introduction presents a fairly accurate picture of the challenges facing Iraq. The recommendations are mostly pie-in-the-sky fantasy.

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