The Self-Managed Super Fund Investment Secrets: Full Guide on How to Invest in Property & Other Real Estate Asset Classes Using an SMSF: Build Wealth Using Bricks-and-Mortar for a Better Retirement (Unabridged) The Self-Managed Super Fund Investment Secrets: Full Guide on How to Invest in Property & Other Real Estate Asset Classes Using an SMSF: Build Wealth Using Bricks-and-Mortar for a Better Retirement (Unabridged)

The Self-Managed Super Fund Investment Secrets: Full Guide on How to Invest in Property & Other Real Estate Asset Classes Using an SMSF: Build Wealth Using Bricks-and-Mortar for a Better Retirement (Unabridged‪)‬

    • $12.99

    • $12.99

Publisher Description

Investing using one's Super is deemed both risky, very time consuming and confusing. Each year millionaires are being created through managing their own super, either through property or any other permissible investment strategies. I realized that there is no readily available, reliable, and easy to comprehend information on SMSF apart from the ATO websites and the massive book- Australian Master Superannuation guides, hence the simplified book.

The purpose of this book is twofold: to impart wisdom that is both simple and proven and to spark the drive in you to set out on your journey in real estate investing. Whether you are an experienced investor or a beginner, the insights and methods presented here aim to lead you toward fulfilling your financial objectives.

This book marks a turning point. Within, l have distilled the essence of my journey and expertise in property investment, particularly through the use of Self-Managed Super Funds. My experience in acquiring four properties using super, leading to a portfolio of over 20 properties, has not only allowed me and my family to live the life we dreamt of but has also paved the way to financial freedom.

By the end of this book, you will gain a clearer understanding of how to utilize Self-Managed Super Funds in real estate investments and other asset classes, transverse the highs and lows of the market, and most importantly, employ bricks and mortar as a means to create a more stable and prosperous future.

Business & Personal Finance
Dunc Coleman
hr min
January 31
Sanders Muleya