Thrive: A Collaboration Manifesto (Unabridged) Thrive: A Collaboration Manifesto (Unabridged)

Thrive: A Collaboration Manifesto (Unabridged‪)‬

Darrin Murriner and Others
    • $9.99

    • $9.99

Publisher Description

The founders of Cloverleaf, Darrin Murriner and Kirsten Moorefield, along with Dr. Scott Dust, a tenured organizational behavior professor, know how to transform organizations into collaborative teams. Their book will show you how to harness the collective strength of your team for effective collaboration to thrive both organizationally and individually.

With the move from goods-producing economies to knowledge-based economies, now is the most critical time in history for collaboration. More than ever, organizations need to unlock the very best in their team to drive value creation.

More employees than ever report working in dysfunctional cultures which takes a toll on their ability to collaborate. People are often stuck in endless meetings and email chains, disengaged from work, failing to see why their work matters and how to make an impact—and they feel it. They crave change.

But, if the tools and theories for effective collaboration are more accessible than ever, why is COLLABORATION SO HARD TO ACHIEVE for SO MANY TEAMS? Why are so many leaders discussing teamwork and so few teams actually flourishing together?

Ask yourself:

Do you strive for a collaborative team environment but constantly face obstacles and resistance?
Have you invested in various tools and strategies but still struggle to unleash the vast potential of your people?
Are you tirelessly discussing ways to improve teamwork, hoping for the breakthrough that will change your organization?

All these common challenges are solvable. The answer is straightforward—less complicated than you’d imagine, yet so impactful that Murriner, Moorefield, and Dust have leveraged it to transform the way teams collaborate:

Cut through the noise of 'collaborate, collaborate, collaborate' and engage in the kind of teamwork that truly makes the dream work.
Apply micro-coaching principles to help your team understand what makes each other tick and get excited about how to work best together.
Turn diverse people and groups into cohesive, high-performing teams that transcend silos to cross-functionally collaborate.

By next week, you could be the catalyst in your organization for more collaborative relationships and powerful problem-solving. Unlock the potential of your people to produce work they are deeply proud of, and that makes our world an increasingly better place.

Business & Personal Finance
Kirsten Moorefield
hr min
January 26