James Robinson Graves: History in the Service of Ecclesiology: Many Baptists in America Revere a Small, Prosaic Booklet That Bears a Captivating Title--"the Trail of Blood".... Following the Christians Down Through the Centuries ... Or the History of Baptist Churches from the Time of Christ, Their Founder, To the Present Day (Biography) James Robinson Graves: History in the Service of Ecclesiology: Many Baptists in America Revere a Small, Prosaic Booklet That Bears a Captivating Title--"the Trail of Blood".... Following the Christians Down Through the Centuries ... Or the History of Baptist Churches from the Time of Christ, Their Founder, To the Present Day (Biography)
W. A. Criswell: The Wall of Separation of Church and State and Politics (Essay) W. A. Criswell: The Wall of Separation of Church and State and Politics (Essay)
The Newport Collection (1766): the First Baptist Hymnal in America. The Newport Collection (1766): the First Baptist Hymnal in America.
Baptist Women Deacons and Deaconesses: Key Developments and Trends, 1609-2005: "Baptist Women Deacons and Deaconesses: Key Developments and Trends, 1609-2005" is a Big Topic. It Covers Four Centuries. It Spans International Boundaries. It Exhibits Considerable Conflict. Baptist Women Deacons and Deaconesses: Key Developments and Trends, 1609-2005: "Baptist Women Deacons and Deaconesses: Key Developments and Trends, 1609-2005" is a Big Topic. It Covers Four Centuries. It Spans International Boundaries. It Exhibits Considerable Conflict.
Christianity and the Social Crisis: Rauschenbusch's Legacy After a Century: In 2001, the Plight of the Working Poor Reached a Wide Audience Through Barbara Ehrenreich's Best Seller, Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting by in America. Ehrenreich Wondered How Anyone Could Survive on Near Minimum Wage (Biography) Christianity and the Social Crisis: Rauschenbusch's Legacy After a Century: In 2001, the Plight of the Working Poor Reached a Wide Audience Through Barbara Ehrenreich's Best Seller, Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting by in America. Ehrenreich Wondered How Anyone Could Survive on Near Minimum Wage (Biography)
The Mind, Ministry, And Mysticism of Howard Thurman (Biography) The Mind, Ministry, And Mysticism of Howard Thurman (Biography)